
Welcome to FinCat – the site that will help you locate the leading financial service providers in their field with verified ratings.

  • Strategy

    UX Strategy, Branding

  • Design


  • Client


  • Industry


Open Project

The first challenge

The first challenge was to upgrade their existing design language while keeping the cat illustration as the website’s main character and the black, yellow, and white primary color palette.

The second challenge

The second challenge was to design the entire site while looking for suitable illustrations of cats and only then send them to illustrators who would illustrate the cats for the site.

The versions I designed during the process

A tailor-made icon set was designed


A tailor-made icon set was designed


Screens designed for users' onboarding



At the end of the project, over ten content pages, user login, profile pages, and icon sets were designed. The process is divided into 2 phases: the first phase was the design phase, and the second one was the illustration phase, followed by the adjustment on each page.


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